BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet
Copenhagen Business School invites applications for one or more vacant Assistant Professorship (s) in Digitalization at the Department of Digitalization.
It is the ambition of the Department to bring together scholars who share a common interest in the study of digitalization in context, specifically focusing on co-creating knowledge with enduring consequences through the study of interrelationships and processes connecting people, data and digital technology. The core research areas of the department evolve around the disciplines and topics of Information Systems and Data Science. Faculty often engage with emergent topics and phenomena where digital technologies entangle with new individual, organizational or societal processes and practices. These foci are reflected in the faculty-organized research themes that create a platform for scholars to discuss and collaborate on research, teaching and funding activities. Faculty engages in cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional research in the national network DIREC.
Teaching responsibilities of the Department camprise undergraduate and graduate teaching in aspects of digitalization. The department provides research-based education in digitalization, covering both business and technical perspectives.
Examples of research areas that the assistant professor might cover:
¦ Blockchain
¦ Data Science & Cyber Security
¦ Digital Ecosystems
¦ Digital Health
¦ Digital Sustainability
¦ Digital Transformation of Work
¦ FinTech
¦ Mood and Digital Spaces
¦ Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & Internet of Things
¦ Sports Digitalization
¦ Theory of Digital
¦ The Value of Data
The assistant professorship is a tenure track position (6 years) with research and teaching obligations.
To fulfill the research requirements of the position, the applicant(s) chosen is expected to be physically present on a regular basis and actively participate in the teaching and research activities of the Department. The successful applicant is obliged to participate in the assistant professor program at CBS on teaching principles and methods in order to fulfill the pedagogical requirements made at the end of the term of employment as assistant professor.
- Teaching and associated examination in existing CBS programs, including Executive Education
- Individual and group based research meeting high international standards
- Promoting CBS’s academic reputation
- Initiating, fund raising and coordinating research projects
- Promoting the teaching and research capabilities of Copenhagen Business School and other relevant assignments at Copenhagen Business School
- Contributing to the administrative responsibilities of the department and to CBS-wide tasks
- Communicating findings to the public in general and to CBS’s stakeholders in particular
- Research, including responsibility for the academic development of the relevant discipline
- Responsibility for publishing, scientific communication and research-based teaching
- Active participation in the regular research activities, such as research seminars, workshops and conferences.
The assistant professor is expected to contribute to the development and application of the research of the department’s research areas and to maintain and strengthen CBS’s international research position.
The applicant must hold a PhD or the equivalent. Emphasis is placed on the applicant’s research potential, which means that a researcher with a large research potential may be preferred to a researcher with a large research production.
The applicant must have professional proficiency in English (written and spoken).
Copenhagen Business School has a broad commitment to the excellence, distinctiveness and relevance of its teaching and research programmes. Candidates who wish to join us should demonstrate enthusiasm for working in an organisation of this type.
For further information please contact: Head of Department Helle Zinner Henriksen via e-mail Information about the department may be found at
Appointment and salary will be in accordance with the Ministry of Taxation’s agreement with the Central Academic Organisation.
Application must be sent via the electronic recruitment system, using the link below.
Application must include:
- A statement of application.
- Proof of qualifications and a full CV.
- Documentation of relevant, significant, original research at an international level, including publications in the field’s internationally recognized journals and citations in the Social Science Citation Index and/or Google Scholar.
- Documentation of teaching qualifications or other material for the evaluation of his/her pedagogical level.
- Information indicating experience in research management, industry co-operation and international co-operation.
- A complete, numbered list of publications (indicating titles, co-authors, page numbers and year) with an * marking of the academic productions to be considered during the review. A maximum of 10 publications for review are allowed. Applicants are requested to prioritise their publications in relation to the field of this job advertisement.
- Copies of the publications marked with an *. Only publications written in English (or another specified principal language, according to research tradition) or one of the Scandinavian languages will be taken into consideration.
Recruitment procedure
The Recruitment Committee will shortlist minimum two applicants; when possible five or more applicants will be shortlisted. The shortlisted applicants will be assessed by the Assessment Committee. All applicants will be notified of their status in the recruitment process shortly after the application deadline.
The applicants selected for assessment will be notified about the composition of the Assessment Committee and later in the process about the result of the assessment.
Once the recruitment process is completed each applicant will be notified of the outcome of their application.
Copenhagen Business School must receive all application material, including all appendices (see items above), by the application deadline.
Copenhagen Business School invites all qualified candidates to apply for the position. An appointment committee will review the applications and invite a selection of qualified candidates to an interview.
One of CBS’ strategic goals is the promotion of diversity, which is why every effort has been made to ensure a recruitment process that reduces potential bias. Applicants are therefore encouraged not to include a photo or unnecessary personal information in their application.
Details about Copenhagen Business School and the department are available at
Ansøgningsfrist: 15. januar 2024.
Søg online
CBS er et globalt anerkendt businessuniversitet med dybe rødder i den nordiske, socioøkonomiske model. Vi har et bredt fokus på erhvervslivets og samfundets udfordringer i det 21. århundrede. Derfor har vi en samlet portefølje af tværfaglig forskning og uddannelse af høj kvalitet, der har styrket generationer af fagfolk og ledere i den private sektor og andre steder.
Universitetet ligger på Frederiksberg og har ca. 20.000 fuldtids- og deltidsstuderende, 800 fuldtidsansatte videnskabelige medarbejdere, 200 ph.d.-studerende og 700 administrative medarbejdere samt en portefølje af bachelor-, kandidat-, MBA/EMBA-, ph.d.-og efter-/videreuddannelser udbudt på både dansk og engelsk.
Med vores globale profil følger en forpligtelse til at bidrage til udviklingen af transformative kompetencer hos studerende, kandidater og virksomhedsledere gennem vores uddannelsesaktiviteter og muligheder for livslang læring. Komplekse udfordringer kræver en fælles indsats, og derfor fokuserer vores strategi på at styrke nuværende og starte nye partnerskaber med andre videnskaber, erhvervslivet, myndigheder og civilsamfundet.
CBS arbejder kontinuerligt med at blive en mangfoldig og inkluderende organisation, og vi opfordrer alle uanset kønsidentitet og -udtryk, alder, etnicitet, religiøs overbevisning, LGBT+-status, kulturel baggrund m.m. at søge.
Kontakt os, hvis du har brug for assistance i søge- eller ansættelsesprocessen, hvis der er noget vi skal vide, eller hvis du som person med handicap ønsker at gøre brug af din fortrinsret.
- Arbejdspladsen ligger i:
Frederiksberg Kommune
-Virksomheden tilbyder:
Tidsbegrænset ansættelse: fuldtid
Copenhagen Business School, Solbjerg Plads, 2000 Frederiksberg
Ansøgningsfrist: 15-01-2024; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet
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