BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet
Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship (CSE) is CBS' entrepreneurship unit, where students and academics are supported in acquiring entrepreneurial and innovation skills through the testing of different business concepts and the development of their own startup companies and projects. In addition, we offer various training courses, workshops and events for startups and students. To ensure the smooth delivery of these platforms and data-driven insights, CSE is searching for a technical dynamo with a flair for platforms, data management and analysis.
About the position
We are looking for a skilled platform and data analytics coordinator to support the CSE department with handling practical platform tasks across CRM, website and analytics platforms, and analysis CSE activities' performance. These insights will help the CSE team to derive recommendations for program design, improve UX, report outcomes to stakeholders and provide important research insights. The position offers great opportunity to gain knowledge and experience within platform management and play an instrumental role in supporting entrepreneurship activities through analysis of data points.
The tasks will be varied, but your areas of responsibility will include:
- Light configuration of digital platforms such as website and CRM
- Maintaining changes and small fixes in consultation with developer
- Create and uphold documentation and onboarding of team members to platforms
- Extract data about entrepreneurial activities and outcomes from surveys, CRM, web analytics and platforms to provide insights to CSE team, academic community and for external reporting
- Track and report on performance of content and activities
The ideal candidate has:
- An understanding of business information system architecture and IT systems
- Advanced experience in excel, PowerBI/Tableau
- Experience with digital platforms, such as Citrix Podio and WordPress
- Some experience with JavaScript, HTML, Python and C/C++
- Able to derive insights and collect data sets and visualise data for stakeholders
- Ability to perform light programming in a scripting language, such as VBA or SQL
- Knowledgeable of GDPR and data governance practices
- Reliable, structured and thrives in a changing everyday life
- Strong communicator in both written and spoken English (essential)
What you should bring
The job as student assistant requires you to have stellar communication skills, as you are often required to independently communicate and cooperate with various people.
On a more general note, the job as student assistant requires that you can keep a good overview when multiple tasks need to be solved at the same time. You are currently a second/third-year bachelor or master student. This role is for 15-20 hours a week.
How to apply
Applications must be submitted through the CBS jobs portal with a resume, and cover letter. Questions regarding the position can be sent to Mia Jung,
Applications close 31th of December 2023 with the selected candidate commencing as soon as possible.
Salary and terms of employment
Employment will take place in accordance with the HK organizational agreement and the Collective Agreement between the Ministry of Taxation and Publicly Employed Organizations (OAO-S Collective Agreement).
It is a prerequisite for employment that you are an active student at a higher education institute in Denmark.
The position is limited until the culmination of your degree. Please notify us of when you expect to graduate.
Ansøgningsfrist: 31-12-2023
CBS er et globalt anerkendt business universitet med dybe rødder i den nordiske, socioøkonomiske model. Vi har et bredt fokus på erhvervslivets og samfundets udfordringer i det 21. århundrede. Derfor har vi en samlet portefølje af tværfaglig forskning og uddannelse af høj kvalitet, der har styrket generationer af fagfolk og ledere i den private sektor og andre steder.
Universitetet ligger på Frederiksberg og har ca. 21.000 fuldtids- og deltidsstuderende, 760 fuldtidsansatte videnskabelige medarbejdere, 210 ph.d.-studerende og 680 administrative medarbejdere samt en portefølje af bachelor-, kandidat-, MBA/EMBA-, ph.d.-og efter-/videreuddannelser udbudt på både dansk og engelsk.
Med vores globale profil følger en forpligtelse til at bidrage til udviklingen af transformative kompetencer hos studerende, kandidater og virksomhedsledere gennem vores uddannelsesaktiviteter og muligheder for livslang læring. Komplekse udfordringer kræver en fælles indsats, og derfor fokuserer vores strategi på at styrke nuværende og starte nye partnerskaber med andre videnskaber, erhvervslivet, myndigheder og civilsamfundet.
- Arbejdspladsen ligger i:
Frederiksberg Kommune
-Virksomheden tilbyder:
Copenhagen Business School, Solbjerg Plads, 2000 Frederiksberg
Ansøgningsfrist: 31-12-2023; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet
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